So I just played what has to be the most fun game I have ever played.
Our team: Karthus Jungle, Renekton Top, Zed Mid, Sona and Ezreal bot (Sona was me)
We had a HORRIBLE START (Ez started feeding their draven, Renekton was eaten alive on top etc.)Everyone thought it was over when most of our team started flaming at ez and me for feeding draven. Ez was apologizing for feeding but everyone kept flaming at him anyway. I took ez's place and started defending him. When everyone was cool we started DEMOLISHING them in teamfights, even though they had baron, even though they had a fed draven and katarina, we STILL managed to win the game hands down because everyone's morale was high and we kept fighting uphill battles. When our inhibitors respawned, we rushed to their nexus and got it.
What seemed to be a lost game was won. Noone from our team cared about lp. All that because we stopped blaming at each other.
My point? Noone is bad on will and you shouldn't flame at people for playing poorly. Defend those who are feeding so they will play better. They dont want to feed obviously.
We won a game with a jungle karthus and an ultra fed Draven and kata because we stopped flaming at each otherAnyway that's it from me, Have a good day, night, evening or whatever time it is for you guys out there.
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