
Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Lee Sin Nerfs Coming

Just some information on Lee Sins nerfs which are coming.

From Morellos Twitter:

"Actually, when we nerf Lee, it causes a HUGE uproar. If I wasn't worried about what people thought we'd nerf him months ago"

To this he added later:

"To be clear, we backed on previous Lee nerfs because we needed better changes. I think Lee needs work, but so do other AAA tier jungle."

When asked where/why he needed nerfs:
"Too much power when maximized - raw early dueling and pressure, no downside in skilled play."

So the nerfs are coming, and they need some time to make them to not mess them up.Even though they needed to happen sooner.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

10 Mistakes Made in Low ELO And How To Avoid Them


So we all play solo q,we all know the guy who goes 0 9 ,and the game is lost ,but why this happens more on low elo.With this short guide im gonna tell you how to be useful after getting FB ,from gang or bad 1vs1

The mistakes

1 - 
Fighting after givin the opponent your gold and level advantege,so lets take you are Mundo top,you are vs Volibear ,you go for level 3 all in but enemy jungler shows up and kills you.You go into the lane and go fight him again MISTAKE,When you get killed ,dont fight the enemy,300 gold is not the end of the world ,play better out cs him,And then when you see you have even/more items than him go fight him.

2 - Kill maddnes,I have seen allot of players who play stupid champs like Fiora or Fizz that get kills realy easy,so they dont learn ever to cs properly and just jump on your face evry time for kill.If they can get a kill they snowball and win the game,or they get outplayed or ganged and leave at minute 10,kill are bonus the thing that matter is cs,try to cs if you can go for a kill do it ,but ignoring the farm and havin 20 cs for 10 mins its not acceptable.So if you learnt to farm 

3 - I have seen so many times people going for kills and ignoring evrything else.You killed 3 of them in teamfight dont chase the stupid ezreal ,and go take drake or turret.You are the tank in teamfight their support is getting low dont leave you team and start chasing,sure you kill the support your whole team gets killed and you start calling them noobs.

4 - Not closing games.Week or two ago i played support janna,the teams were close to each other but we got caught my team died taking only two with them,60 seconds death timers and open inhib,and their team starts chasing me for about 40 secs before killing and not winning the game,in the end with sneaky baron we won.

5 - Item builds ,you saw guide on mobafire saying that mundo needs spirit visage and you buyed it even tho their team is ,Pantheon/Olaf/Khazix/Vayne/Sona ? only Ap jungler or No Ap,.Also allot of people dont buy pen items,OMG fed rammus 500 armor,nope im not gonna build Last whisper this item is mehh...

6 - OVEEEEEREXTEEEENDIIIING-You are all on 25 procent hp you take inhib and they are 5 seconds till the enemy respawns,but no lets just hit the nexus turrets 2 times and give them a ace sure.Lets do baron without vision,and get sandwiched.

7 - The loosing team playing like they are winning,we are loosing 5 kills and 2 turrets and a drake,they are all alive lets push mid GG,its not hard to come back,like farming and defending turrets caughting opponents wandering alone without vission,and getting dived,this all happens in low elo if you dont charge at the enemy evry time and get aced 5 times in a row.

8 - Wards and TRINKETS,ok some poeple dont buy wards, i even dont buy that much around 5 ,for a game becouse im top,but cmong why dont you use your free wards,I have seen team with all warding tottems not placing them the whole game.Use your stupid trinkets their free,and buy a ward from time to time.

9 - My favourite-Learn your stupid champ before bringing him in ranked,i have seen so MANY BAD yasuos,velkozez,and lucian,Jinx is so op that you cant even be bad with her.So the rules in bringing champ in ranked,getting 140+ cs for 20 mins,knowing how to use his skills properly and how strong it is againts other champs.

10 - For god sake learn that you can click the Threshes lantern and TP to him..........

There is no such thing as free RP/IP

Guys, there is no such thing as a program that gives you free RP/IP points. Anyway, most of the hacks are based on 2 plans:

1. Tell people they will get RP if they open a generator, type in their username, server and the amounts of RP/IP they want.
2. Tell people that they will get RP if they register a new profile using a 'tweaked link' that somehow hacks into the Riot's system and generates large RP amounts to the new user, of course, After they reach level five or ten.
What those things really do:

1. Allows other people to access your account, after wasting people's time by directing them to endless sites full of surveys that never work, or passworded rar files that requires them to visit a 3rd party site in order to 'get the password right after you do this one quick survey'. 

Hint: Anyone can copy/paste a picture and make it look like they have 500000000 RP on their account by using paint.

Best tactic to carry low ELO as a jungler


The junglers in bronze are completely clueless about buff timing and the lanes are tunnelvisioned on their lane. Just counterjungle and render the enemy jungler completely useless. If done properly, at some point the game will feel as if it was a 5v4 because the jungler is in some corner crying.
So what to do. Try to take as many buffs as possible from him. Also keep his buffs warded, so you can kill him. Take everything he could farm on. Also, countergank.

Does a skin affect the first impression?

Just wandering, for me seeing a player with a skin (espacially a +975 one) makes me think that champ is their main one, or they are more hardcore, therefore i tend to take them more seriously during game, and generally players useing skins have more skill then those who don't...
Its just like in real world when you see someone with fancy clothes i guess :D

"PEELING" League Of Legends

The act of 'peeling' away the threats for another champion.Or in short words protecting someone.

  • Any form of CC should help achieve this goal.
  • Heals and shields are usefull at lessening the pressure on the adc.
  • Buddy blocking the act of intercepting skillshots on behalf of the champion, exactly like taking a Caitlyn ult, or walking in front of your adc who is about to be hit by Nidalees spear.
  • Knockbacks and pulls are very usefull if used correctly, you do not want place a Fizz right next to your adc, but rather to keep him at a reasonable distance.
  • There are a couple of useful champion items, Mikaels Crucible, 3 support gold items, but it is more important how you use those items, than using them because you panic.

Your job on Bot Lane

- Survival first and foremost you can't do anything if you're dead.

- CS 2nd. (You can do whatever you want in between last hitting)

- Winning the lane third.

- As a support protect your adc, even from themselves, never forget that.

- Objectives (proper warding can show you incoming ganks as well as provide     cover both to deny and secure objectives)

- Kills (that's right objectives is more important than kills, getting kills gives     you a tactical advantage, use it, WITHOUT endangering yourself)

TOP League Of Legends NICKNAMES

I like game words which are related with LoL for that.

Basically the ones I thought are : 
-HogwardsSuppoter (from Hogwarts and Potter)
-Date Me At Baron
-GALACTIC feeder

TOP 10 League Of Legends Rules(Or What NOT TO DO)

1) Do not insta-claim a lane at Champion select
This is actually one of the worst ways to claim a lane. Having your cursor at the text field, ready to write "mid", then instalocking AP ensures you will not get Ally honor unless you absolutely pwn that match.
-> How to actually claim a lanePatiently wait for someone to go first at claiming. If nobody does, neither should you, just quietly go to the lane you see fit (If your ADC is not very smart and tries to mid, stay in mid with him and ask him in the chat to leave for bot).
2) Do not play carry champs if you can't handle them
I'm not a very skilled player. However I do know I should NEVER get ADC's because I suck with them. If I get an ADC, I know the match is lost from the very beginning, because I won't be able to carry. Just because you just bought Draven and are very eager to test him out, don't do so if you are the only ADC in the game. Your team will be lacking an ADC, but if nobody chose an ADC up to now, means the scales are already leaning towards the other team.
3) Golden rule. Do not EVER say KS.
There is no KS. KS is a concept for extremely unskilled people that crave kills to boost their ego. Also, it's dumb. Imagine that somebody died and another person shouts "He's dead!". Useless. That's what KS is, no good for morale, no good for score. Oh and in teamfights, with all those Ultis, Ignites and CC's, everybody has a chance to get the kill, don't be bitter about it, Darius.
4) PLATINUM rule. Do not EVER say noob.
If somebody does play in an erratic way, or shows extreme lack of proficiency, help them. If they unintenionally feed, gank his lane. There are no noobs in this game, only pros and learners. If you can't assist a learner, you are not a pro either. Also, making sure the player feels bad about their actions, almost ensures you will lose the match.
5) Spam the chatbox with GJ.
If somebody does good, they know it. If somebody else congratulates them for being good, they do better. GJ is just 2 letters, but can boost someone's morale a great deal, and also relieve stress from him. Stress is actually part of the meta. A stressed player will miss skillshots, will be vulnerable to ganks and you will also be affected, because they may not notice a SS, due to their raised heartbeat and lack of focus.
6) DO NOT spam the map with pings
Does not apply to pinging routes for enemies that are going to gank an ally.
Other than that, ping once and forget its existence for some time. Ping when you die, so that people can see who killed you (and is possibly vulnerable to a gank). Ping when you need gank. DO NOT PING when your team is Aced and you are butthurt because that Ezreal is left with 1 health. Nobody wants to know about the enemies that can be easily finished with autoattack when they are dead.
7) Offer buffs to weak allies early game if you jungle.
This is some bat**** insane advice, but ask your AP mid to come get the blue you pull. Maybe you need it, but there are 2 blues anyway, and your AP mid is always in need of sustain, just as you. Then you can rape enemy mid, and everybody proceeds like nothing ever happened.
8) Do not speak in your native language, also tell that to your premades.
I'm very tired of looking at the chat and reading a language I do not understand. Speaking in Polish, Russian, or any other non-English language makes me uncomfortable as you could be criticizing me or plain insulting me. If all 4 allies speak non-English and refuse to do so, I will probably block them all, and proceed to play my own game, whether you like it or not. I don't like going solo, but you made me to.
9) Optional: Socialise
I do not mean find a gf/bf in that 10 min dominion. But just say for example where you are from, what you ate for dinner, if you are high, if you are heartbroken, about a football match, or ask others. Don't spam the chat with dull stuff, because then you may get blocked. 
But "I just had some divine nutella-cookie-banana crepes" is fun, makes allies see you as a person and not your champion, and may promote a friendly atmosphere.
I once had a match where we were discussing pastry recipes with opponents because we both had afk's, while farming minions. In the end, we danced around in mid, and they surrendered because they were higher level.
10) Obvious: Be laid back
This is a game. Unless you make money off of it, you shouldn't let it get to you. Being relaxed means you will have more fun and make your teammates relaxed as well. Nobody likes a jittery Ziggs anyway.

Patch 4.11 Ranked and DUO Q

After the latest path u can not play solo queue with a friend as a gold with diamond etc. or the other way around.
You can only play duo with people who are 1 tier below or above you. So you can't duo with a Plat if you are Silver, Bronze or Challenger.

Best game I have ever played.

So I just played what has to be the most fun game I have ever played.

Our team: Karthus Jungle, Renekton Top, Zed Mid, Sona and Ezreal bot (Sona was me)

We had a HORRIBLE START (Ez started feeding their draven, Renekton was eaten alive on top etc.)Everyone thought it was over when most of our team started flaming at ez and me for feeding draven. Ez was apologizing for feeding but everyone kept flaming at him anyway. I took ez's place and started defending him. When everyone was cool we started DEMOLISHING them in teamfights, even though they had baron, even though they had a fed draven and katarina, we STILL managed to win the game hands down because everyone's morale was high and we kept fighting uphill battles. When our inhibitors respawned, we rushed to their nexus and got it.

What seemed to be a lost game was won. Noone from our team cared about lp. All that because we stopped blaming at each other.

My point? Noone is bad on will and you shouldn't flame at people for playing poorly. Defend those who are feeding so they will play better. They dont want to feed obviously.

We won a game with a jungle karthus and an ultra fed Draven and kata because we stopped flaming at each otherAnyway that's it from me, Have a good day, night, evening or whatever time it is for you guys out there.