
Saturday, 25 August 2012

How to get out from ELO HELL

Here are some tips  on how to get out from elo hell:

  1. Golden rule is "never flame other team mates,just dont do it".Basically nothing good can happen by flaming and insluting team mates.They could just go afk or leave the game or even worse they start trolling or feeding on purpose which will result in your loss.
  2. Sometines its hard to stay focused when u have those 1 or 2 idiots that just keep  feeding and feeding the enemy team being like 0/5/1  score or even worse,but u really cant  do much about it.Here is a couple of things that u can do about it.U can try to gank that lane and  help them to make some gold and kills,ask them politely to play safe and play only under tower and farm,say your jungler to "babysit" that lane which literally means to baby sit that lane and not let the enemy team get rest.
  3. Read some guides for the champions u want to play on ranked games.There are tons of websites with guides for league of legends champions.Example is .There,u can find a bunch of guides to every champion  that exists in  league of legends in any way.The guides are also submited by some of the best players in the world.
  4. Learn to play every single role in the team and dont be limited  to only one or two roles.The current meta concists of 5 roles :ap carry(mid lane),ad carry(bot lane),support(bot lane),off tanks(solo top) and finally the jungler.Learning to play 2-3 champions from every role is the key  to succes  in ranked soloq gameplay as u will not be able to always get your favourite position in the team.
  5. Always play smart,you have to be concentrated every single game if  u wish to  put  out the maximum.Never get too cocky in the game just because you got fed by few kills  early game and now your stronger than your opponnet.That will make u do stupid decisions such as going rambo style into the enemy team  alone versus 2-3  enemys or even more.You have to always have to think that ur not immortal and that the game is a 5v5 game.
  6. If u see a lane having trouble and your lane is doing fine and u have nothing to do at that given time,try to gank other lanes.Either ur loosing or winning always try to help other lanes but not off the cost of your lane.
  7. Never ever play just for the kills.Remember that kills dont win games,but towers ,dragon,baron nashor and ultimately farm do win them.Always try to alert your team to ward the dragon  zone so u can control that the enemy doesnt get it.Dragon gives 180 gold to each member in team which gets it so that basically like getting the team 3 kills.
  8. FARM LIKE A BEAST,farming is the key to wininng your lane and buying items,growing your champ and becoming a threat to the other team.Also try to learn to last hit minions as well as u can since thats the way to properly farm while not pushing your lane,because if your lane is pushed your extremely vulnerable to ganks.
  9. WARD.Every time you go back to your base  buy a ward or 2 if u can.Always keep your  lane warded so u cant get ganked.Its not only the suports job to buy wards  but its the job of every team mate to buy them.Its better to spend 75 gold on a ward when u can  safely farm  your lane than to end up dead.
  10. Last tip is to get a friend to play duo with.Its always easier to play with someone u know  than with two can talk via skype etc. and do some crazy things normally u wouldnt be able to, like combining AOE ults and such things.Get smarter and learn from your every game so u improve your skills and ultimatively become a better player .
  11. Try to learn playing the FOTM(flavour of the monthd) champions which are currently considered OP at a certain time.Those champions are often banned but if u get your fingers on them you are in a great advantage already.

Thanks for the read and comment .

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