
Friday, 31 August 2012

Blitzcrank Bot Lane Terror

There have been a ton of complains lately about blitzcrank being a very popular pick as a support on bot lane.
He is just too good and exceeds terribly more than any other support champion.He makes bad ad carrys who cant even lasthit properly stand out and manages to feed tham.However the complaints are getting  from lower elo players.

ATN ForellenLord

The number 1 on EU west is at this moment on 2922 elo.
I'm really wondering if this guy can take what it takes to be the first 3k elo ever.Lets just hope he can make it by the end of the season 2.Btw he is german and made it so far with 451 wins and 302 losses only.
GL to him and his team.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Team SoloMid

TSM is the most famous League of Legends team among them all.The original Team SoloMid lineup consisted of SaintviciousFeedFestChaoxTheOddOne, and Locodoco.There were  players who were there and left,TheRainMan and Westrice.
Their current line up is : Dyrus,TheOddOne,Xpecial,Reginald and Chaox.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Katarina rework day funny fact

Here is one funny fact.On the day of the patch where all of katarinas spells got reworked whe was played in amazing number of 117.46% of all normal games played that day.
The number higher from 100% because she can be picked in both teams.

After that shes fallen on reasonable 20%.
Stats are from .

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Is Diana really so overpowered?

There have been a lot of complaints  on Diana since her release affecting her damage.
She just deals too much of it by the opinion of many players.Her skillset is amazing and really unique.
A good player which know whats he's doing can solo handedly steamrole the enemies whole team with her and that is the most common problem about her.
I think that riot  would eaisly fix her by lowering the damage ratios on her passive and q ability which would make her much more balanced.It wont hurt a bit because she is such an amazing champion as i said before.
Thanks to her skillset ,she can be played at any role regarding the current meta(except support).
Even making her a really good tanky dps on solo top.She would still deal tons of damage and provide  some nice cc to the team.
As for the  jungle part,i think that she is currently the number 1  in the whole game.Playing her properly makes her such a great threat to the enemy team, the ganks from her are quite terrifying.

How to stream League of Legends

If ur interested into making some income and creating a successful stream,there is a couple off things that u will need to be aware off.

Trojan horsing by SivHD

The life of a pro player in League of Legends

Can u imagine to be a pro player in the league?
I know i can.The life of a professional gamer is really amazing.
The best thing is that u make a living by making that, what u love the most and enjoy it.You get to visit various places around the world,enter tournaments,grow a fan community,becoming a celebrity and there is the chance for making some really nice cash by all that.Lots of people dream about it but only a few manage to succeed.
It is achieveable and only by,hard work and some luck.Ofcourse the main factor in all that is skill.
Some of tips to become a professional League of Legends player:

  1. Get high solo queue elo to become noticable and play at the highest rating where the best of the best players play.
  2. Start streaming your games on or
  3. Try to get into one of the top teams on the server and win some of the more popular and known teams.
  4. Try to get into some tournaments if u have the chance.
  5. Get noticable and try to get some sponsors.
  6. Be active in the community and forums etc.
  7. Never give up,if u know that u have what it takes.

Funny Sivir Kill

Me and my friend were playing bot lane and he managed to get a really funny kill on Graves as Sivir.
We were laughing so hard that i just decided to upload it.

The number 1 League of Legends YouTube chanell

The most popular  LoL chanell on youtube is protatomonster.
Protatomonster at this current moment has almost 300 thousands subscribers and  75 mil video views.
The chanell was created 17.6.2011. and continues growing.
They produce several shows such as Player's Choice ,Top 5 plays of the week and Lucky plays.

Monday, 27 August 2012

An example of ELO HELL

The elo hell at its fines,basically there is no way that u could carry this team and win.Just impossible.I had the msot epic team ever,3 feeders and 1 feeding troll.Game starts.I  kill Volibear for fb 1v1 on top.
After winning my top lane and being 3/0 the bot and mid lane  just 1 shotted me.Ofcourse  we lost and of course we had a  troll Gragas in team.
I know that i deserve to be  on 2k elo not on 1.5 like im now,since i keep loosing  almost every third game because off bad team mates.

Team curse apologies for behavior at MLG

MLG final's Curse vs Dignitas disqualified

Apparently the 2 finalist team NA CURSE and Dignitas have decide to split the 1st and 2nd money prize pool  among the 2 teams which lead to disquallification.
That means that the  outcome of the  event was already known among them. The matches were competative and fun to watch, leaving this unpunished would have had a horrific impact on the LoL competitive scene.
Collusion is a criminal offence in real world and if this happened in football or basketball, it would be a crime and maybe considered as corruption. 

Sunday, 26 August 2012

List of free skins in League of Legends

The list is preety short and only 3 of those  can be obtained for free at this moment.

  1. UFO Corki ,beta testers got it for free
  2. Judgement Kayle free ,for all that played 10+ ranked games in season 1
  3. Victorious Jarvan IV ,free for all players ending with Gold or above ranking in Season 1 
  4. Grey Warwick ,free for those who refer 50 friends to League of Legends
  5. Unchained Alistar ,free for those who subscribe to Riot's Youtube Channel
  6. Riot Girl Tristana ,free for those who join Riot's Facebook page
U can still get the Tristana and Alistar (both of them come with the free champion) skins for free quite easily,but the Warwick skin is really hard to get.

League of Legends Rengar champion spotlight

Saturday, 25 August 2012

League of Legends last hitting minions

Last hitting is fundamental to playing the game well. It is not as important as not dying.

The key is to stand your character outside of range of your opponent. As minions get low, move into range just long enough to attack once, then return to full range.

What is ELO HELL

ELO HELL is considered  to be  a so called "place" in the league of legends ranked solo queue system where you get a ton of bad players,leavers,trolls,feeders ,people who stay afk and ultimatively loose you the game and force you to be struck on some ELO on which you dont feel comfortable to be.

How to get out from ELO HELL

Here are some tips  on how to get out from elo hell:

  1. Golden rule is "never flame other team mates,just dont do it".Basically nothing good can happen by flaming and insluting team mates.They could just go afk or leave the game or even worse they start trolling or feeding on purpose which will result in your loss.
  2. Sometines its hard to stay focused when u have those 1 or 2 idiots that just keep  feeding and feeding the enemy team being like 0/5/1  score or even worse,but u really cant  do much about it.Here is a couple of things that u can do about it.U can try to gank that lane and  help them to make some gold and kills,ask them politely to play safe and play only under tower and farm,say your jungler to "babysit" that lane which literally means to baby sit that lane and not let the enemy team get rest.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Reign of gaming champion tier list

Reign of gaming is a website from  the NA LoL Curse team and here is what they think which champions are  better and stronger  in what game style.

SOLO QUEUE tier  list :

 Diana,Zyra, ShenMorganaRivenTwisted FateYorickAlistarKarthusJaxRyzeBlitzcrankMalphite, KennenLee Sin,RumbleEzrealSorakaAhriCorkiSkarnerGravesVladimirXin Zhao

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Game Breaking ulti bug on maokai

This is a bug which happens sometimes when u try to root someone as maokai when poppy uses her ult on someone else.
U become untargetable  by anything or anyone ,but u also cant use your spells (QWER).
Trick is you can use your auto attacks  and just  kill anyone while cant be killes,terrible bug which leaves the enemy team helpless.

Friday, 17 August 2012

LoL reporting

When u play ranked games plz report everyone  who dies ,feeds ,flames. Report every single person you dont like and make sure  when u fail, to blame the jungler  otherwise  i will report you.This is no joke i will come to your home and i will report you staight up.Team mate has 12/0 ? ,np report him for negative attitude.Mid doesnt say ss? ,np repot him for  unskilled and intentionaly feeding.
I'm just kidding , MAKE LOVE NOT REPORT !!!!!! :D